Kiyoshi Kitagawa; Prayer, Atelier Sawano

Kitagawa is a Japanese bassist who teams up with Kenny Barron on piano and Brian Blade on drums on this, their second CD on the well known Japanese private label, Atelier Sawano.  What makes this music unique is that Kitagawa eagerly assumes the central role.  Most CDs led by bass players feature them as composers, arrangers and musical directors with a lot of bass solos, but when it comes to the role their instrument plays in the music, it is the traditional role of the bass; i.e. providing rhythm and foundation somewhere in the background.  Kitagawa breaks the mold.  His instrument is at the very center of almost every cut.  He solos, he leads, he doesn’t play on the changes, he creates the changes.  As you might expect, his playing is truly melodic and fluid.  His sound is clear and very forward in the mix.  The end result is a distinct sound that sort of redefines how a trio can make music.  Nevertheless the music is easy to relate to, and makes you feel right at home.  The only caveat is that this CD is much more enjoyable on a home stereo system than on the portable digital player and earphones precisely because of the prominent role of the bass.  You don’t get the full effect unless you’re in an optimum listening situation with a system that can handle the broad dynamic range of the music.

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