Frabrizio Bosso; Mare mosso, Wide Sound

Italian trumpeter, Frabrizio Bosso is making quite a name for himself here in Japan.  This is the second CD of his that I’ve picked up.  This time he has teamed up with an Italian rhythm section all of whom are new names to me.  Bosso is front and center on virtually every cut.  This music is hard to peg.  It isn’t particularly adventuresome or daring, but there is just enough of an edge to keep it from getting boring.  I’ve listened to it several times but am still waiting for something distinctive to jump out at me.  Not that I don’t enjoy it; I do.  It just doesn’t reach out and grab me.  Oh well.  Overall it is a fairly soft sound.  My one complaint about the recording is that the drums are mixed at an unnaturally low level, making it sound like they are somewhere in the next room. 

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